In the rise of today’s sharing economy and mobile takeover, speed and ease are everything.
Mobile Solution
GYMHUB is a mobile solution designed to expand your market share in the fitness industry and reduce variable sales costs by increasing your gym’s visibility and accessibility.
Monitor and control your GYMHUB business with our user-friendly management portal.
GYMHUB is a non-invasive cloud-based software which runs independent to your current software. The GYMHUB management portal is run entirely through our website which means it supplements your current system instead of replacing it. It’s easy and you won’t have to change a thing!
To get started, create your account. All gyms are entitled to GYMHUB service with no membership fees.
Once your account is created, we’ll verify your gym and send you a GYMHUB NFC tag to place at your reception area. App users will scan this tag with their phones to check in.
To customize your digital marketplace, set up your profile - add photos and facility information and set your membership prices.
Manage your GYMHUB business through the gym management portal with comprehensive administrative tools and sales monitoring.
Vestibulum eu turpis sit amet augue sodales ac condimentum nisi sed augue justo est in sem consequat fringilla dolor. Duis non nisl vel tellus molestie bibendum. Donec leo neque, posuere ac mollis sit amet, lacinia vel nunc. Quisque ut sem blandit, dictum orci et, fringilla mauris.
Morbi varius justo at convallis dapibus. Suspendisse nec metus et erat ultricies sit amet vel sem. Nam ut sodales turpis. Quisque mattis fringilla tempus. Donec eu orci ultricies est gravida congue ut at ante.
Vestibulum eu turpis sit amet augue sodales ac condimentum nisi sed augue justo est in sem consequat fringilla dolor. Duis non nisl vel tellus molestie bibendum. Donec leo neque, posuere ac mollis sit amet, lacinia vel nunc. Quisque ut sem blandit, dictum orci et, fringilla mauris.
Morbi varius justo at convallis dapibus. Suspendisse nec metus et erat ultricies sit amet vel sem. Nam ut sodales turpis. Quisque mattis fringilla tempus. Donec eu orci ultricies est gravida congue ut at ante.
Vestibulum eu turpis sit amet augue sodales ac condimentum nisi sed augue justo est in sem consequat fringilla dolor. Duis non nisl vel tellus molestie bibendum. Donec leo neque, posuere ac mollis sit amet, lacinia vel nunc. Quisque ut sem blandit, dictum orci et, fringilla mauris.
Morbi varius justo at convallis dapibus. Suspendisse nec metus et erat ultricies sit amet vel sem. Nam ut sodales turpis. Quisque mattis fringilla tempus. Donec eu orci ultricies est gravida congue ut at ante.
Review the list of Franchisor, if they are registered with GYMHUB,
please ask your Franchisor and get your INVITATION CODE in order to
proceed further!
If your franchise is not shown
on the list, you cannot sign up
for GymHub as a franchisee.
Please ask your franchisor to
join GymHub!
Welcome to the hub. Make fitness easy for you and convenient for customers with Gymhub!
By showcasing your gym to app users, Gymhub enables new customers to quickly buy memberships and check-in, all on the app.
Many privately owned gyms are forced to overspend on sales and marketing in order to compete in the industry. Gymhub strengthens your position by bringing your gym to new customers at absolutely no cost. Gymhub earns 15.1% for all sales revenue so it’s our business to grow on the mobile market for you.
Gymhub engages in effective marketing to bring more customers to participating gyms. With Gymhub, all open gyms now have access to the sharing economy – one of the fastest growing functions of global commerce. By enabling every adult with a smartphone to go to open gyms anywhere and anytime, Gymhub optimizes the mobile market strategy for your gym.
Create your business account to gain access Gymhub’s sharing economy and cloud efficiency.
Once your account is verified and created, Gymhub will provide a new space for your gym to flourish. Gymhub utilizes cloud mobility to push your gym to all app users in your area.
As soon as your gym is published on the app, Gymhub users can easily view your gym and quickly purchase their membership. They can then activate their membership or check in to your gym by tapping their phone on the NFC enabled GymHub tower near your check-in area. By reducing person-to-person interactions to make sales and facilitate memberships, Gymhub opens your gym to a broad scale of gym-goers who want an easier way to workout.
By seamlessly quickening the entire membership sales and facilitation process, the Gymhub method gives you the efficiency only current cloud technology can provide.
Gymhub is set apart from most software set-ups by its ability to run side by side with your current system.
Because Gymhub is cloud based, there is no overlap with your existing software. Your Gymhub management portal is accessible via through any computer device (cellphone, ipad, or desktop computer). All data runs through Gymhub’s cloud operating system which is processed through secure AWS servers. This ensures efficient sales processing, no loss of data, and valuable diagnostics.
During your account creation, you can create employee accounts to help you and designate accessibility to whoever you want. You can also add multiple locations if you operate with more than one Gym location.
After you have created your account and your gym has been verified, we will send you a location-specific NFC tag corresponding to your respective gym location(s). It will then be time for you to set up your digital marketplace, name your prices, and designate management requirements. So what are the key features of the Gymhub Management Portal?
Customize your digital marketplace by setting up your profile (add photos and facility information and set your membership prices). This is what app users will see on the Gymhub app. You have the option to select certain facilities to distinguish your gym. App users will have the ability to filter these facilities when searching for gyms.
Upload your gym’s terms of agreements so users can electronically verify that they understand all liabilities before they workout. This eliminates time and effort when onboarding Gymhub customers.
Manage customer check-in. With manual check-in, you can activate, check-in, or reject customer memberships. Or let the NFC tower do the work.
Designate staff to administrate your Gymhub business. Task designation allows you to create sub-profiles for your employees and enables them to perform tasks such as manual check-in and customer monitoring.
Stay up to date with your Gymhub customers through your management portal’s membership log. If any problems occur with a Gymhub customer, we highly recommend reporting it to Gymhub. You will have the authority to reject or cancel Gymhub memberships. Keep in mind, Gymhub does not process refunds. (See refund policy).
Keep an eye on your Gymhub performance with automatic sales and visibility diagnostics.
If you have any questions concerning Gymhub Management Portal software, please contact us.